Ample Aries ~ 30 Jan 2017

Mars, ruler of Aries, Ceres, Uranus, Eris and Sedna all presently transit Aries. To point, all the cranky planets, Mars, Ceres, Uranus and Eris (yes, they are all planets) now orbit the Sun from their shared and highly charged, infinitely fired up positions in the sign of the Ram since Mars entered home territory three days ago. There should be a sign on the highway... head butting ahead.

The intensity receives a bump with the Moon’s passage through Aries commencing as January concludes and running through February 2nd. The intricate timing of the Moon’s departure from Aries occurs a mere half day before Venus jumps on the Aries bandwagon.

The first “relief” of the amalgamated Aries amplification occurs on February 5 when Ceres migrates to Taurus.

Venus joins in the party on February 3rd. She lingers in Aries for a spell, but given her rare retrogradation, she retreats into Pisces on April 2nd. Venus returns to Aries for a full thirty-degree tenure on April 28th.

Mars joins Ceres in Taurus on March 5th.

So, the stage is set. Lines will be drawn in the sand. Egos buffeted. Territory encroached upon. Chests huffed up. Heads butted.

Head butting will be the norm, not the exception with all the ample Aries above. Head butting is fine, actually. Especially given the cranky kids in Aries; it’s a good fit for progress, concept continuity and getting good stuff done.

Let’s say for instance you’re crazy enough to make a movie. Every single element of production is a fight. Actors vie for center stage, more screen time, better angles from the lighting guy. The producer wants her/his people and crew to have prime roles, positioning and compensation. Directors will try to kick everyone to the curb that doesn’t suit their inclinations and support her/his vision of the film. And screenwriters sometimes battle for hours to keep a great line of dialogue. Then the editor steps in and doctors the raw result.


Those wishing to mobilize politically or take on altruistic cause to save the world, here’s a groovy window of forward motion where progress can be made. With any cause, concern, campaign, product pitched, investors sought, butting a bit works to get deals done.


Whatever your personal passion project that suits the vast reaches of your soul, here's a window for unfettered expression of that project.

Fight like hell. Insist that your best not be kicked to the curb or discarded. Show your goods and top tier stuff with pride and intent, knowing that you rendered your best in its development. Stand your ground with both feet firmly planted and your weight evenly distributed (especially with Jupiter in Libra). When engaged in vigorous verbal debate maintain full eye contact until the symbolic head butting occurs.

Head butting actually indicates the willingness to engage, which inherently suggests a shared interest in a successful outcome of benefit to all parties. Head to head interaction further implies an interest in a resolution so perfect that no party will feel compromised, nor left behind (to honor Eris).

There’s another important component to successful application of the abundance of Aries. When battling for the most noble and just causes, keep anger away from the situation. There’s no need for meanness, spitefulness, revenge, retaliation or anything with karmic tentacles implied. Yes, even in the midst of the fullest of contentious engagement there must be respect, honor and integrity of intent.

A willingness to honor divergent points of view, individuals who harbor vastly different beliefs than your own and respect for the likelihood that those who fight so hard to oppose your objectives believe what they defend, underwrites the present day platform. With these distinctions there is never a need to stoop to the scorched earth approach (to keep Ceres in alignment). Seeking to lay your opposing forces to waste may be perceived as an indication of a lack of belief in your carried banner. Simply, if you lack respect and cannot honor those with whom you engage, likely the engagement should be broken.

Sedna remains in Aries for several years to come. Her mission is that of promoting the reality of conscious choice. When a soul encounters a crossroad in life, or selects a direction at a fork in the road, a choice has been made. Despite the unconscious, subconscious or karmic defaults built in as presetting conditions, at the point of forward motion a person does what they do with a level of awareness of that motion and some clarity as to the underlying intent. At least that’s what Sedna supposes.

Eris anchors the short term Aries stellium by noting that one must consistently act in ones own best interest. Every action taken intends to create the mundane lifestyle and social sphere one quests to savor, all in the interest of enhancing ones spiritual substrate. When you do what you do, especially while tossing a wink at crotchety Uranus, if the intent does not uphold the best of Sedna and Eris, likely life’s backlash feels like being kicked aside, branded as an outsider or being thrown under the bus, out of the boat or onto the tracks. Be your best you always and in all way.

So, what can we politely offer to each of the cantankerous cosmic colleagues above us?

Mars - Stoke my spirit’s furnace and keep my ego cool and collected as I vigorously pursue the path ahead.

Ceres - Permit my focus and intention to remain clear and as such, ensure that all my acts impeccably further my intentions and agendas.

Uranus - Open my mind to what works, what is new, and what I need to consider. Allow me to savor my individuality and my uniqueness.

Eris - Grant me the wisdom to recognize my perfect fit: my conscious concerns within the real world, my spirit perfectly infused within my being. My core anchored and my consciousness clear, I stand at the center of my brilliance, physically, mentally and spiritually.

While we’re at it we might want to use the lunar transit in Aries to affirm with Sedna, and why not Venus, too?

Venus - Thank you for the blessing of full awareness of all my attributes, talents and skills.

Sedna - Thank you for good sense and clear conscious choices that secure my life in this world and my spirit in perpetuity.

To all of the above, I hold my hand delicately upon the throttle of my aspirations and trust my highest intent to provide my navigation and understanding of the inertia ahead.

Have fun with all the more than ample Aries! More soon.